Developed as part of the public art scheme for Crest Nicholson’s waterside development, Parallax is an integrated artwork by Bristol based artist Richard Box.

Parallax comprises 200 metres of fibre optic catenary lighting traversing Cathedral Walk. It links the two distinctive pink and blue semicircular 360 apartment buildings. The piece was inspired by a previous sculpture he produced called Chapter Eight. The two ropes of golden-yellow light interlace the two buildings. Soaring through the air, their bright swooping arcs create a carnival feeling, inviting people into the space they outline.
Richard Box
Richard Box is an artist based in Bristol. In 2002 he was awarded a Leverhulme Grant to work with the University of Bristol’s Physics department (the third artist in residence).
His interest in glass has always required him to have objects made by others, but this residency offered him the chance to begin to learn how to develop his own glass blowing skills and so have greater authority over his own work. The highly skilled glass blower based at the University makes specific glassware for all the science department’s needs.
John Rowden was enthusiastic to pass on his knowledge and to work closely with an artist who was interested not only in learning these skills, but to re interpret some of the functions of what are primarily very beautiful looking objects. The influence of glass on all aspects of scientific discovery should not be underestimated, from the lens to the test tube, from the liquid helium dewar to the optical fibre.
Funding for the post ran out in 2003, but Richard is still getting to grips with the craft of glass-blowing. ‘This is a labour of love.’ he explains. ‘I can see it carrying on for quite a while.’