
We are currently working to diversify our recommended Producers list.

We are refining the process to make it accessible and clear.

If you would like to find out more about how to become a BCC recommended Producer watch this space or contact us at

Are you looking for a Producer to work with you on your project? Bristol City Council have a list of Producers who regularly work in Bristol, you can find out more through our Producer Directory –



So what does a Public Art Producer Do? The magic of public realm projects is that no one invitation, place, partner, artist or collaboration is ever the same. Public Art Producers hold the specialist creative and communicative skills to identify site specific opportunities, to respond imaginatively, and to work with a diverse range of stakeholders to assess and identify what a project needs to make it meaningful and of value – a success for people and place.

Bristol City Council encourage and support developers to work with external Public Art Producers to satisfy their planning conditions and will only accept Public Art Plans written by external Producers.

Skills and responsibilities of Public Art Producers include, but are not exclusive to, the following:

  • Artist research & recruitment (writing of briefs, management of the artist selection process);
  • High level budget management & project development;
  • Development & negotiation of artists contracts;
  • Producing & delivery services, including client & artist liaison;
  • Arts – led community engagement & creative consultation;
  • Project monitoring & evaluation;
  • Stakeholder management across a wide range of clients including developers, architects, local authorities, educational establishments, communities, artists and cultural organisations;
  • Press & marketing expertise;


Art Acumen


Catherine Thomas



Art Acumen was established in 2009 and operates with a core team augmented by Associate art consultants, curators and producers, appointed on a project-by-project basis to advise and help deliver our bespoke art programmes. The team also expands to an established network of specialist art partners, these include specialist fabrication companies, fine art handlers, technicians and lighting consultants.

Catherine Thomas (Managing Director of Art Acumen), has twenty years’ experience as an art consultant – delivering visionary art programmes and place-making through public art programmes. Her creativity, integrity and extensive knowledge of the art world are combined with strong communication, programme management and design skills. This ensures a bespoke and holistic approach for each project.