Ron Jones House
Ron Jones House
Sasha Ward, Ron Jones house, 2015. Photo © Sasha Ward, courtesy of the artist and Ginkgo Projects.

2014 - 2015

Ron Jones House



Once a row of terraced houses, Ron Jones House is a property In Stokes Croft run by Elim Housing to provide supported accommodation for adults. As part of the development Bristol based art consultants Ginkgo employed artist Sasha Ward to develop the public art for the scheme. The project, which focused on the building interiors, responded to the residents’ needs with a focus on communal spaces where people would want to spend time.

Ron Jones House
Sasha Ward, Ron Jones house, 2015. Photo © Sasha Ward, courtesy of the artist and Ginkgo Projects.
Ron Jones House 1
Sasha Ward, Ron Jones house, 2015. Photo © Sasha Ward, courtesy of the artist and Ginkgo Projects.
"Some of the best patterns are the simple ones revealed in patches through concrete or grass."
Sasha Ward

The main focus of the commission was the Quiet room and IT room – two rooms which were much in need of a fresh approach and a clear aesthetic. Working with staff and residents Sasha transformed the space with colour and pattern extending to the floor, walls, windows and ceiling. The design, which grew from a pattern the artist designed, was based on aspects of the Ron Jones House that the residents liked. 

As the artist has noted: “The existing carpet was particularly grotty, so the plan was to replace it with a patterned floor cut from three colours of linoleum laid in the centre of the room with the design growing in density towards the two windows. It was only when I printed the pattern out full size and placed it on the floor that I remembered what my initial inspiration must have been and dug out my photos from a recent trip to Ostia, the harbour city of Ancient Rome, and to Hadrian’s Villa nearby. At both sites current excavations are revealing more buildings, many with black and white mosaic floors based on circles.  Some of the best patterns are the simple ones revealed in patches through concrete or grass.” 

The final design for the house used a repeating three colour motif based on the artist’s original ideas, and mostly achieved by stripping parts of the pattern away and allowing other parts to float around. All the surfaces in the room were used by the artist as a decorative canvas, which she employed to create separate spaces for quiet working, privacy and for companionship. 

  • Ron Jones House 5 Ron Jones House 5

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    Sasha Ward, Ron Jones house, 2015. Photo © Sasha Ward, courtesy of the artist and Ginkgo Projects.

  • Ron Jones House 2 Ron Jones House 2

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    Sasha Ward, Ron Jones house, 2015. Photo © Sasha Ward, courtesy of the artist and Ginkgo Projects.

  • Ron Jones House 3 Ron Jones House 3

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    Sasha Ward, Ron Jones house, 2015. Photo © Sasha Ward, courtesy of the artist and Ginkgo Projects.

  • Ron Jones House 4 Ron Jones House 4

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    Sasha Ward, Ron Jones house, 2015. Photo © Sasha Ward, courtesy of the artist and Ginkgo Projects.

Sasha Ward is an artist who has been working to commission on projects in public buildings since she graduated from The Royal College of Art in 1985. Her work has broadened from architectural glass, with a specialism in enamelled glass, to the use of other materials and techniques such as printed acrylics and vinyl.