#WhoseFuture 2020 was Rising Arts Agency’s first creative activism billboard campaign. For the past three years, Rising Arts have taken over billboards in the city, transforming them into a space for communities to question, reflect and create.
In the context of the Black Lives Matter movement, Rising artists took over 9 billboards and 370 posters sites around the city centre, from 13th July until 10th August 2020. Rising are passionate about the need to make space for young people to shape and own their future. #WhoseFuture is about reclaiming public space and using it to shout loud and proud for what they believe in.
Increasingly, Rising Arts Agency’s work has focused on both championing a range of social issues and challenging the status quo in the creative sector. In true Rising style, the #WhoseFuture campaign used young people’s outstanding creative work to amplify their voices across the city, inviting the public to pay attention to what they have to say.
Rising had always dreamt of taking up space in the city, shouting load and proud for what we believe in, and this campaign allowed them to realise that dream. Through a brilliant partnership with Out of Hand and full support from Bristol City Council Rising took over 9 billboards and 370 posters sites around the city centre, from 13th July until 10th August 2020.

“#WhoseFuture is a powerful statement to the city. In order for us to move forward, it is important for us to listen to all the voices in the community – including Bristol’s young people. We have worked on a number of projects with Rising Arts Agency, including their radical Transforming Leadership programme, BE IT. This campaign is a testament to the insight that our young people have and the power they can bring to city wide conversations.”Councillor Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor, Bristol City Council

Further Reading:
Rising is a powerful, collaborative community of artists and creatives mobilising for social change. Their community is made up of activists, producers, facilitators, illustrators, installation artists, filmmakers, and more. Rising brings together everyone from young people at all stages of their careers to collaborating organisations to industry professionals excited to share knowledge and expertise.
‘We are strongest when we stand together.’
The campaign was managed and curated by Rising’s Rosa ter Kuile.
You can read about her challenge of realising a city-wide campaign in just over 2 weeks here.
Rising are fighting for a culture of true care and co-creation. If you think you may be able to donate please visit their support page here.
Watch a video about the 2020 campaign here.
Find out more about the collective of Rising artists who made work for the campaign here.